When out on the road, you never know what type of situation you are going to face next. Whether you are trapped on the side of the road because of a flat tire or you are stuck in the hills while traveling, you can ease the struggle of such situations with just a little preparation.

All you have to do is keep the below-mentioned five things in your car emergency kit.

1. First aid kit

Basic first aid supplies are a must-have in the emergency kit of any car. Including alcohol pads, bandages, antibiotic ointment, a roll of gauze, medical tape and some basic medicines such as antacids and ibuprofen in your car kit can help you cope with a variety of emergency situations on the road.

It’s also a good idea to include a blanket in your first aid kit. As the cool temps and winds of Florida’s winter have already started blowing, a small blanket can act as a life-saver for a stranded motorist. It can provide you warmth and comfort if you are camping out. If you require changing your tire, you can use a soft blanket as you move under and around your car. It can also be used to wrap around a sick or an injured individual.

2. Flat tire kit

If your tire blows while you are driving, a flat tire kit can work as the perfect solution. Make sure to keep a spare in the back of your car and check it often to see if it is properly inflated.

However, without something to take off the lug nuts and without something to jack up the car, having a spare won’t help much. So make sure to pack a lug wrench and some form of jack as well.

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3. Jumper cables

It is always safe to carry a good set of jumper cables, because your batteries can become dead anytime. This is not the time to get cheap, so make sure that your jumper cables are not too rusted or damaged.

4. Fire extinguisher

Hopefully, you will never require using one, but it is extremely important that you have one in your car. So if any mishap happens, you will be grateful that you had a fire extinguisher. If your car catches fire, using a fire extinguisher will give you some amount of control over the situation before it becomes a huge disaster.

But, keep in mind that your Florida car insurance is there to protect or replace your car, so don’t take a risk severely burning yourself in the case of a fire. Make sure that you are safely away from the vehicle prior to taking measures with your fire extinguisher.

5. Road Flares

If you’re stranded and the sun has gone down; or is going down soon; road flares can be a life saver. It can be stressing to just be stranded in the first place, but you certainly don’t want to increase your stress level by worrying that another motorist may not see you or your vehicle on the side of the road.

It’s recommended that you always have a few road flares in your car’s emergency kit. If you’re unsure how to set them up or light them, here’s a quick instructional video from Orion that could help keep you safe in the case of an emergency.


Keeping your car ready for any situation can provide you with a sense of security and comfort. It allows you to handle a number of emergency situations until help arrives.