Car accidents are never any fun.

They cause injury, damage, and a ton of stress. However, the good news is that if you bought competitive Sarasota car insurance from our agency, you have the best possible combination of coverage, price, and service.

You buy competitive auto insurance to protect yourself in the event that you are in an accident, and we are here to help you through the claims process.

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Your personal auto insurance company and agent can be a great resource to you before, during and after an accident.

Over the years, we have seen just about every kind of accident and response. We thought it might be beneficial to talk about what not to do after an accident.

  • Don’t get upset or angry. Stay calm and make sure everyone is unhurt.
  • Try not to move the vehicle unless damage is minor and you can exchange information parked on the side of the road.
  • Don’t forget to seek medical help if you need it. Many times, victims of an auto accident may not realize that they need medical attention because our adrenaline kicks in and shifts our focus. But, it’s important to seek medical care if you are injured or suspect an injury may have occurred as a result of the accident.
  • Never accept money from the liable party, rather than filing a claim.
  • Do not leave the scene. Stay on the scene until the matter is settled. Florida law expects you to report a car accident immediately. If you do not report the accident at the scene or directly after, you have only 10 days after an accident to file a police report in Florida. However, it is only a legal requirement to report certain accidents.
  • Never admit an accident was your fault, even if you think it was. An apology can be construed as an admission of fault. Let the authorities determine who was responsible. Auto accidents can be disorienting even if you are not physically injured. You may not be aware of all factors leading up to the crash.
  • Don’t forget to document everything. Take photos and get contact information from all parties involved, including any witnesses.


This may be a good time to have us review your Florida auto insurance. Having the correct auto insurance coverage and limits is very important in this litigious world.

Contact our experienced agents today and schedule a free consultation to learn if you have the proper amount of coverage, and how you can save money by bundling certain services.