An insurance specialist with Shaefer Insurance Agency will review your current life insurance situation and help you design a policy to plan for your specific needs and goals.
At the end of the day, one of the biggest investments you can make is an investment in yourself.

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With hundreds of satisfied South Florida clients, Shaefer Insurance is here for you and your family.
Frequently Asked Boat Insurance Questions
Term insurance is purchased for a certain period of time. You pay your premium over the time covered. If during the policy death should occur, the benefit (face amount of the policy) is paid to your beneficiaries. If at the end of the policy you are still alive generally no benefits are paid.
A new product called Return Of Premium term life insurance is becoming very popular. Ask you Shaefer Insurance agent about this new benefit that may be available to you.
Permanent life insurance allows you to build ‘cash value’ throughout the life of your policy. There are several types of permanent life insurance which you should become familiar with before deciding which is best for your objectives
Life insurance is purchased to replace income, cover all expenses and all debt, pay for final expenses, cover estate taxes and to create an estate at the time of death. The inflation rate should always be included in your calculations of need; otherwise funding for death that may occur 15 years from now will be 50% or more under estimated. Start to determine your need by going to a life insurance needs calculator.
An exam is generally required in the application process for life insurance. A licensed paramedical will complete the exam at your home or another convenient location. The exam includes a blood and urine specimen, blood pressure reading, height and weight measurements and also a few health history questions. It takes about 15 to 20 minutes and is paid for by the insurance company.
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